When looking for the latest apartment trends in a neighborhood filled with excitement, check out 98th Avenue. The residents of this community find apartment living to be a preferred lifestyle with so many amenities available. You're going to love the roomy floor plans and the quality of resident services offered.
The Perfect Home to Treat Yourself In
It does not matter what you prefer–whether it's a cozy evening indoors or a night out discovering Bothell, WA. We offer residents everything they need to make 98th Avenue their home! From the rooftop deck to the fitness center onsite, even a pet station for the residents with four-legged family members! If you want to spend a quiet evening, enjoy your private balcony/patio. There is a community lounge onsite complete with kitchen amenities, a refrigerator, a warming drawer, and a dishwasher for larger events. Each apartment unit is assigned one reserved parking spot. In addition, there are secured rooms to store bicycles. If you have a hybrid car, no worries. We have electric charging stalls available! These are only some amenities 98th Avenue offers; you must take a tour to learn more!
Self-care This February
Treat yourself! February is more than simply spa time. This month, treat yourself to our onsite fitness center. It has Precore free weights, fitness machines, yoga, and HIT training. Check out Tsuga Fine Art in Bothell, WA if you enjoy fine art. There are plenty of restaurants and bars to keep your days and nights filled with excitement. Amaro Bistro and Sparta's Pizza and Spaghetti House are two examples of excellent dining.
Treat Yourself in February and Enjoy the Finest Apartment Living
When you are ready to treat yourself in February and start enjoying the fine perks of apartment living, contact us. Discover the latest apartment trends in Bothell, WA, and schedule a tour by calling 833-868-7897. Speak with a friendly agent to find out more about pricing and availability.